Need a Quote?

Give us a call at:

Brian Lucas



Email and we'll get back to you within 24 hours!


Rail Sidings:


3377 State Highway 18N

Monahans, TX 79756


127 US HWY83 East

Seagraves, Texas  79359

Business Hours

Monday through Friday

7AM - 7PM


After Hours on a scheduled basis

Bulk Transfer - Your Logistical Solution

Our mission is to be the most efficient bulk materials transfer company in all areas we serve.

Our goals are simple:

  • To be most efficient in bulk materials transfer 
  • Quick loadouts
  • Accurate inventory and shipping documentation
  • Effective communication with our customers
  • Safety first in all we do 


We understand the importance of on-time delivery of materials to the well location or jobsite, and the effect of this timeliness on your profitability. We will work with your job superintendents, supply chain logistics managers and hauling dispatchers to ensure "all are on board" with each transload request.


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